insanoğlu hayatına etki eden, durduran, yücelten, yanıltan, sevdiren, başlatan bozuklardan habersiz yaşıyor...

Cuma, Mart 23, 2007


bir yeri terkecekken
evi, şehri, bir duyguyu, bir hayali

illa çok sevilen
yada mutluluk veren bişeyi diil

hatta emin bile olunsa terketmekten

gene de gardiyan içinizde
korkutmak için

halihazırdakinin koruyucusu
sizi hiç ediyorleaving a place
a home, a city, an emotion, a dream

not necessarily something you liked
or something you have been happy with

even if you are sure
with no doubt at all

the guardian is there
trying to scare you

the guardian of the existence
still there absence youleaving a place
a home, a city, an emotion, a dream

not necessarily something you liked
or something you have been happy with

even if you are sure
with no doubt at all

the guardian is there
trying to scare you

the guardian of the existence
still there absence you

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